05 December, 2024
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Please click the Notification Nos. below to view the Academic Launch Notifications for the following Programmes :
1. Notification No.83 - PG Diploma in Geoinformatics (PGDGI)
2. Notification No.84 - MA in Environmental Studies (MAEVS)
3. Notification No.85 - CBKG
4. Notification No.86 - MA in Journalism and Electronic Media (MAJEM)
5. Notification No.87 - MA in Sustainability Science (MASSOL)
6. Notification No.88 - MA in Journalism and Digital Media (MAJDM)
7. Notification No.89 - PG Diploma in Environmental Management and Law (PGDEML)
8. Notification No.90 - PG Diploma in Financial Management (PGDIFM)
9. Notification No.91 - PG Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDIMM)
10.Notification No.92 - PG Diploma in Human Resource Managment (PGDIHRM)
11.Notification No.93 - PG Diploma in Operations Management (PGDIOM)