09 March, 2025

Regional Centre

School wise Eligibility Criteria of Academic Counsellors

Please click here for details


Please click here to view the Notification for the Academic Counsellors for the P G Diploma in Agribusiness (PGDAB)


Please click here to view the List of eligibily criteria for empanelment of academic counsellors of various programmes and course mapping of courses for SOJNMS academic activities



Proforma for Empanelling Experts as Evaluators :


All the Coordinators of LSCs 

Under RC Madurai 
As per REC, Kochi email, the Proforma for empanelling Experts as Evaluators is given in the link below for onward transmission to Academic Counsellors empanelled under your LSC. Also, kindly circulate the Proforma for empanelling Experts as Evaluators through WhatsApp with the counsellors/faculties. 

The common prospectus is also given in a link for the reference of the experts to identify the programmes on offer by the respective School which offers Programmes/Courses in their discipline.
It is preferred that programme-wise evaluator is submitted for processing at REC end. REC is in need of MA (Education) answer script evaluators and hence has listed the programme and courses in the document <2SOE>  (LSC 2516 may do the needful) 
In the event of further clarifications write to evaluationkochi@ignou.ac.in
I request you to widely circulate to the Academic Counsellors and All the Faculties in your Institution and nearby for getting more experts. 
With regards
RD, RC Madurai 
Please click here to view the Evaluator Empanelment Proforma
Please click here to view the List of courses of SOE 

Please click here to view the Common Prospectus



Please click here to view the Guide for Academic Counsellors for Evaluating Assignments in the LMS Portal
